The 5 SEO mistakes affecting your website in 2020

SEO can be an intimidating marketing tool, especially if it goes beyond simply selecting relevant keywords. Many websites in 2019 will unknowingly suffer from SEO errors they are unaware of occurring; in this guide, we cover five common mistakes that could detract from the performance of their site in 2020.

Under-optimizing Meta Tags

Meta tags play an indispensable role in helping search engines comprehend the content and theme of your web pages and their relevance for keywords or phrases users might enter when searching online. Effective meta tags can enhance link appeal, leading to increased traffic.

Crafting your own meta tags is of immense value, as it offers you the opportunity to integrate keywords that search engines should associate with your content while simultaneously drawing users’ attention. However, this may not always be possible in an e-commerce sector like this one, where there are so many products.

Meta Tag errors are frequently noticed, including:

Duplicate Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

A site featuring duplicate titles and descriptions makes the task of search engines difficult, which in turn impacts its ranking position.

Not Including H1 Tags

Omitting H1 tags can prevent Google from fully understanding what is central to your website’s focus and content.

Duplicate H1 Tags and Title Tags

Utilizing multiple H1 tags across various sections may create the impression of overstrategy and result in missed ranking opportunities, as search engines may favor H1 tags over similar content.

Generating Duplicate Content

Generating duplicate content has an adverse impact on SEO and can have serious ramifications for how consumers perceive your brand. Publishing identical material regularly decreases engagement and readership while hindering rankings in Google Search results – possibly leading to conflict between two pieces of competing fabric that eventually undermine both.

Neglecting Mobile Pages

With mobile app usage on the rise, search engines have introduced mobile optimization into their ranking criteria since September 2020 – so making sure your content is optimized for mobile devices in times of both content and user experience is of utmost importance.

Failing to Optimize Site Performance

Optimizing site performance is vital beyond SEO concerns. A slow-loading website and unsatisfactory user experience translate directly to lost traffic, with website performance increasingly impacting SEO rankings. Tools such as Google’s Site Speed Test or SEMrush provide insight into this trend – they even cover mobile optimization, which is critical in order to prevent rankings declines.

Neglecting Internal and External Links

Internal and external links are an integral component of SEO and can help any page increase its performance and rankings. When used incorrectly, however, using links could have adverse results and impact user experiences negatively on a site.

When inserting hyperlinks into your content – whether external or internal – make sure they are relevant and of value. External links shouldn’t lead to media companies that could take away visitors; ranking against them could prove difficult. When inserting internal links, make sure they add something of worth – retaining visitors is always your top priority!

To Conclude

Errors on your website caused by SEO can typically be corrected quickly and simply. For those without prior SEO expertise, consulting with an experienced professional is often the fastest and easiest method of improving search rankings and outshone competitors. If this post piqued your interest, please explore more information in the Knowledge Hub.



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