How Set Up Facebook Conversion Tracking

Establishing a conversion tracker on Facebook can provide an effective means of measuring the success of any Facebook campaign to promote your business.

By tracking conversions, you can monitor how many people clicked on your Facebook ads and later purchased something or signed up for services offered by your company. This data can help determine whether the advertisements have succeeded while optimizing campaigns to achieve optimal results.

Setting up Facebook conversion tracking on your website will require creating and placing a pixel for conversion tracking onto it.

Pixels can be understood as pieces of code provided by Facebook that you can integrate into the header of your web pages to track conversions from clicking your ads on Facebook. When installed properly, Facebook will keep an eye on all clicks made through those pixels that result in clickthrough conversions on ads on its platform.

Once you have set up conversion tracking with the Facebook Pixel tab, the Conversion Reports are available to see how your ads are doing.

These reports will show the number of conversions from clicking your advertisements and how much was spent. Furthermore, you can easily determine which ads generate more conversions and compare effectiveness across campaigns.

Do You Want to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Facebook Ad Campaigns? Consider Implementing Convert Tracking!

Table of Contents

Why should you set up Facebook conversion tracking?

Businesses looking to measure the impact of Facebook advertising campaigns accurately must rely on conversion tracking as part of their measurement strategy.

Conversion tracking helps businesses determine which Facebook ads drive visitors to their site and which have resulted in sales or other types of conversions.

Without conversion tracking features, businesses remain unaware of the effectiveness of their Facebook advertising campaigns; not knowing which ads work and which don’t is an ineffective approach.

Conversion tracking helps businesses decide how best to spend their advertising budgets.

Installing the Facebook tracker for conversions is straightforward and effortless.

All it takes to begin using the Facebook Pixel is adding its code to your website.

Once installed, the Facebook Pixel is in place; it will monitor any traffic coming from your website to Facebook and any conversions.

If you still need to take advantage of Facebook Conversion Tracker, we strongly encourage setting it up immediately. It is a straightforward and quick process that will permit you to maximize the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns through Facebook.

Top 3 benefits of using Facebook conversion tracking

Conversion Tracking on Facebook remains one of the most underutilized tools available to marketers for effective Facebook advertising.

Conversion tracking provides you with valuable data regarding how your Facebook ads are performing, specifically which ads bring the highest conversions at what price.

Three reasons to begin Facebook conversion tracking immediately.

1. It helps you measure your return on investment (ROI) for Facebook ads

By using Conversion Tracking, Facebook makes it possible to measure both conversions generated and revenue brought in through advertising on their platform.

These statistics will enable you to decide whether your Facebook ads are worthwhile investments in both time and money.

2. It Will Assist in Selecting the Most Efficient Facebook Ads

Tracking conversions will enable you to identify which ads produce the highest returns and concentrate your efforts on those which work effectively while eliminating those which don’t give any returns. Being aware of this data allows you to concentrate efforts on those which produce results more effectively and get rid of any that do not produce any ROI.

3. It Enables Fine-Tuned Facebook Advertising Targeting

Knowing which ads generate the highest conversions could allow you to use this data to fine-tune targeting parameters and increase the efficiency of Facebook advertisements.

What methods are there to set up Facebook conversion tracking?

Facebook Pixel

One option for conversion tracking is using the Facebook pixel on your website; when users visit and complete any action you define as “conversion,” such as buying products, Facebook will track it for you and provide details.

External Tracking Tools

One option is to utilize external tracking tools, like Google Analytics, for conversion tracking. These allow you to monitor all changes beyond those occurring only on Facebook and provide more comprehensive data than Facebook’s built-in tools do.

Combination of both methods

As an additional option, another strategy to consider is combining both approaches discussed above.

Execute the Facebook Pixel on your website and utilize an external conversion tracking tool to monitor all conversions efficiently and comprehensively, specifically Facebook conversions. This will give you complete reports on all conversions and specific tracking for Facebook conversions.

Which conversion method you select depends entirely upon your personal preferences and needs. Make sure that any chosen solution can accurately track conversions before selecting it as your go-to solution.

Advantages of using Facebook Pixel for conversion tracking

Facebook Pixel is an invaluable way of measuring conversions on your site and can give invaluable information about visitor interaction and actions they are taking on your page.

Comparable to importing tracking pixels, Facebook Pixel offers many advantages over this approach.

1. Integration with Facebook Ads

As the first step of integration with Facebook Ads, pixels from Facebook are automatically integrated.

By tracking how well your Facebook ads are working and their influence on conversion rates on your site, you will be able to evaluate if and how they may be contributing to sales growth.

Facebook Pixel also allows you to create custom audiences based on users’ actions on your site, so you can target those who have shown an interest in purchasing your business or product.

2. Time Consuming

Importing tracking pixels can take time and might not provide as accurate results as a Facebook Pixels system would do.

Facebook pixels were specifically developed to assist in tracking conversions and more efficiently deliver accurate results.

Facebook Pixel is regularly upgraded and improved, giving you peace of mind that you are using cutting-edge technology.

Facebook Pixel offers many advantages over import/tracking pixels: its integration is automatic with Facebook Ads, users can create customized audiences easily, and accurate conversion tracking can be achieved.

If you want to increase the effectiveness of your online marketing efforts, the Facebook Pixel could be an indispensable asset that’s worth exploring.

Disadvantages of using Facebook Pixel

There are a few downsides to relying on Facebook tracking pixels to monitor conversions compared to import tracking pixels.

1. Configuration

Whilst setting up and configuring Facebook pixels can be complicated, they’re arguably easier than you may realize.

To utilize the Facebook Pixel, businesses must first establish an Ads account on Facebook, create and integrate a Pixel into their website, configure options within Facebook Pixel for use and configure options that suit them; it is an intricate process requiring expert knowledge of technical matters.

2. Facebook Pixels may fail to monitor all conversions

Another challenge with using Facebook Pixels to track conversions is its limited capacity to monitor every conversion event.

Facebook Pixels record conversions after someone clicks your Facebook ad and navigates directly to your site; however, they do not track conversions after viewing your ad but not clicking it.

Example: If a user sees your Facebook ad but returns later to visit your website without clicking, Facebook Pixel won’t keep track of their click.

3. Costly Facebook Pixel can be expensive

Cost of Utilizing Facebook Pixel: For smaller enterprises, using pixels could prove too costly to be worth their while.

4. Accuracy

And finally, Facebook Pixel may not always provide accurate results.

The reliability of Facebook Pixel depends upon its proper implementation and regular data updates; otherwise, inaccurate statistics about conversion rates and performance of your ads might result.

Advantages of using an external tracking tool

Although Facebook conversion tracking provides many insights, it may require assistance from an outside tool to accurately track conversions.

Fortunately, numerous excellent tools outside of Facebook are available to businesses for tracking Facebook conversions, in addition to any other offline or online conversions they might track. These tools enable companies to accurately monitor their Facebook conversions and any others they might track.

External tools designed to measure Facebook conversions are essential for companies looking to optimize the effectiveness of their campaigns on Facebook.

The benefits of using an external tool to track Facebook conversion tracking are numerous.

1. Precise Tracking

External tools that assist in Facebook conversion tracking can often provide more precise tracking than their internal system.

External tools track every conversion made on Facebook; companies can rest easy knowing they are receiving an accurate view of their online performance.

2. Comprehensive Data

Tools that track conversions externally provide more comprehensive data than what can be found within Facebook.

These tools gather information from various sources, including Facebook. By doing this, companies gain a better understanding of both their customers and how they market.

3. Ease of use

User-Friendly Tools used for externally tracking conversions tend to be very straightforward.

These platforms provide an ideal starting point for companies new to Facebook marketing or general online promotion.

Utilizing an external application to monitor Facebook conversions is an excellent way to maximize the effectiveness of your Facebook campaigns.

These tools offer businesses reliable data and in-depth information that can aid them in improving their marketing effectiveness, producing more effective outcomes and increasing success rates.

Disadvantages of using an external tool

Concerning Facebook conversion tracking, there can be some potential drawbacks to using other tracking tools.

1. Accuracy Concerns

One key drawback of this approach may be a less reliable tracking system, as found on Facebook.

Facebook conversion tracking is highly accurate, while external tools may not capture all necessary data resulting in incorrect reports and reduced conversion rates.

2. Lengthy Process

Another drawback to using other tracking software may be its complicated installation process and time-consuming setup time, which could prove cumbersome and time-consuming.

Establishing the tool may take some time, and if any mistakes arise during setup, they could create additional complications later.

3. Expensive

External tracking software can be costly. Most tools for tracking conversions cost fees for their services, with costs increasing over time. Facebook’s conversion tracking system is free, which may make it a less costly solution for companies.

Third-party tracking tools have their own drawbacks when used for Facebook conversion tracking: They tend to be less accurate, slower and harder to install, and more costly than using Facebook’s system.

If you want precise and reliable Facebook conversion tracking, consider all your options carefully.

Advantages of using a combination of both

Convert Tracking on Facebook has proven itself a precious resource for companies assessing the success of their Facebook advertising.

Many businesses rely on Facebook’s conversion tracking feature, but its data can be limited and insufficient for many purposes. Other tracking software, like Google Analytics or Adobe Omniture, provide more specific insight into website conversions to oblige companies to increase the effectiveness of their Facebook campaigns.

Here are the advantages of leveraging both Facebook pixels and external tracking tools to monitor conversions on the Facebook tracker of conversions.

1. In-depth information

Provides Details Facebook Pixel provides basic details regarding website conversions, such as their number and total worth.

External tracking tools provide more specific details, including where conversion occurred on your site, what type of conversion appeared and how often people clicked.

These data can assist you in determining which Facebook ads work best and help optimize your campaign accordingly.

2. Comprehensive View

Facebook Pixel provides a holistic overview of your site’s conversions, even those that occur after someone leaves Facebook.

External tracking tools can only monitor conversions that happen while visitors are actively on your website; any conversions that occur after they leave Facebook won’t be tracked and recorded, making it hard to gauge its success as an advertising medium.

Overall, using Facebook pixels and external tracking tools to track website conversions will provide more detailed and precise data about conversions.

If you want to evaluate the success of your Facebook advertising campaigns accurately, be sure to utilize both the Facebook Pixel and an external tracking tool!

Disadvantages of using a combination of both

Although Facebook Pixels and external tracking tools offer distinct benefits, combining both tools could prove more harmful than helpful.

1. Complexity Increases

First and foremost, using Facebook pixels and other tracking tools can quickly become complex.

Configuring both the Facebook Pixel and any external tools you are using is no small feat, as well as making sure your data flows seamlessly between them. Any miscommunication could prove costly and disastrous for business.

2. Potential for Inaccurate Information

Using Facebook Pixels and other tracking tools together has the potential to create incorrect data.

Employing multiple tracking techniques increases the likelihood of inconsistency with the data collected – meaning you may not get an accurate picture of how well your Facebook campaigns are doing.

3. Expensive

Using Facebook pixels and external tracking tools together can prove costly.

Costly tracking tools can only add to that expense; adding Facebook Pixels could further compound them.

What would be your ideal solution?

Choose either Facebook pixels or external tracking tools as the optimal solution to track conversions effectively. While using only Facebook pixels will provide access to Facebook’s data on conversions, other tracking tools allow more freedom regarding what data they track.

Regardless of your option, always ensure your tracking procedure is set up correctly and data transfers regularly between platforms.

When is it best to use Facebook pixel?

Each answer is unique here as the ideal time and strategy for using Facebook pixels depend on both your company’s goals and marketing initiative’s strategy.

Facebook Pixel works best at tracking conversions when used alongside various Facebook advertising tools, such as custom audiences and viewers that resemble them.

Facebook Pixel can assist you in tracking how effectively your ads translate to leads or sales and fine-tune campaigns for greater outcomes. Furthermore, it can also assist in measuring site traffic value: for instance, how many users visit after seeing one of your advertisements on Facebook ads.

As an entry point to Facebook marketing, Facebook pixels and custom audiences could prove beneficial for beginners.

Once you understand how Facebook advertising works, using email addresses or website visitor data and their behaviour to target specific ads tailored to particular people or situations is possible. Take advantage of Facebook pixels and similar audiences to find new customers with similar characteristics to those already in your existing customer base.

When is it best to use external tracking tools?

Facebook Conversion Tracking (FCT) has become an indispensable tool for businesses that wish to measure the success of their ads on the platform.

However, not all businesses need to rely on Facebook pixels to track conversions. Here are some suggestions as to when external tools should be utilized instead:

  1. If you are conducting a small Facebook advertising campaign and don’t undertake other marketing activities, such as website optimization or search engine optimization, using Facebook pixels may not be required.
  2. If you use third-party tracking programs like Google Analytics or Adobe Omniture to measure conversions, there’s no reason to utilize Facebook pixels.
  3. If your marketing efforts include multiple forms of optimization (website or search engine), Facebook pixels offer an ideal alternative that provides more in-depth data.

When it is best to use a combination of both for Facebook conversion tracking?

Facebook Pixel is an effective tool for tracking conversions on Facebook; however, sometimes, using an external tracker instead may be better suited for monitoring conversions on this social network.

As a rule of thumb, Facebook pixels should be utilized to convert website visitors and track sales made on your site. If you wish to achieve this with this tool,, then Facebook Pixel is for you.

But, if you want to track different kinds of conversions – like leads generated through forms on your site – Facebook Pixel may not be sufficient in tracking conversions effectively. In such instances,, utilising an external tracking tool alongside Facebook Pixel for tracking purposes would be wise.

External conversion tracking tools offer greater insight than Facebook pixels when measuring conversions and can track activities that take place off your website.

Businesses looking to track their online sales will find them an indispensable tool.

Both tools ‘ data must be aligned when using an external tool for tracking conversions alongside Facebook Pixel. This ensures you can see a comprehensive view of conversions online and evaluate their effectiveness effectively.

If you want to monitor the conversions on your website, the Facebook pixel may be sufficient. But an external tool might be more suitable for other types of conversions or events happening on the site.

How can I set up Facebook pixel?

Facebook Convert Tracking can provide a great way of measuring whether your ads are working effectively. Facebook Advertising.

Implementing Facebook conversion tracking enables you to monitor how well your ads turn into leads or sales, providing valuable insight. We will explain how to set up and configure conversion tracking in Facebook ads.

Create a Conversion Goal within Facebook Ads Manager

The first step in setting up conversion goals with Facebook Ads Manager is creating one – to do this, click “Create Conversion” at the top left of your Ads Manager window and set one up!

Once this decision is made, the next step should be deciding the kind of conversions to track. There are three possible types:

  • Purchase: Keep track of when someone buys something after clicking on your Facebook advertisement
  • Lead: Follow When someone completes a form after clicking your ad
  • View Content: Track when someone visits a website or video after clicking an ad on Facebook

In this instance, we will select “Lead.”

Name your goal

What Is Your Objective? In the next step, you should create a business name and specify its URL where leads can be posted.

We will refer to our aim here as Lead Submission, providing its URL as part of the objective.

Add facebook pixel

Once you’ve created an objective for conversion in Facebook Ads Manager and set a conversion goal, the final step should be installing the Facebook pixel on your website.

Facebook Pixels are small pieces of code you can add to your website’s header to measure conversions and visitors coming from Facebook.

To integrate the Facebook Pixel on your website, visit this page: Facebook Pixel Helper and follow its steps for adding it.

Once installed on your website, the Facebook Pixel will begin collecting information on visitors who click through your advertisements on Facebook.

Data could be used to develop targeted audiences, making future Facebook advertisements easier to target these groups of individuals.

How can I set up Google Analytics for Facebook conversion tracking?

Conversion tracking on Facebook can provide an indicator of the efficacy of your ads in turning visitors to your website into customers.

Google Analytics can assist in this effort by providing Facebook conversion tracking codes you can incorporate on your site to allow Facebook to keep tabs on how many conversions occur as a result of your Facebook ads.

Follow these steps to integrate Facebook conversion tracking within Google Analytics.

  1. Log into Google Analytics by signing in and clicking “Admin.” Next, head over to “Facebook Pixel,” where you should see an “Enable Pixel” button – the Pixel is now live!
  2. Once copied from the Facebook Pixel tab, paste it into the Google Analytics configuration page’s Facebook Pixel ID field for use by Google Analytics and hit Save. Finally, close and reopen your site to let Facebook’s Pixel start collecting information.

How do I set up Facebook goal conversions?

Setting Facebook goals for conversions is straightforward.

All it takes to start tracking something is information on what and how you wish to track it.

Create a customer conversion goal

First and foremost, set a customer conversion goal Step one is to customize your conversion goal within your Ads Manager account. To do this, go to Tools > Conversions on the top and choose Conversions as the drop-down.

Describe what you are tracking

Just tell us what you’re tracking; click then on “Create Custom Conversion,” name your goal and provide details of its relevance to data management.

As an example, it may be important to follow how many people sign up for your email list as a result of clicking any of your Facebook advertisements.

Enter the URL for your page you would like to track conversions on, as well as an amount if you want to measure specific goals like sales or time spent on it, into the field for Website URL in the URL field.

Select the type of conversion that interests you before monitoring

There are three options for consideration here.

  1. Page Views
  2. Events – When tracking clicks from an advertisement that leads to sign-up pages, use either Page Views or Events as your tracking method. For an event tracking the clicks leading from ads leading to signup pages, you should create it as an Event rather than using Page Views directly. 
  3. Integrate Facebook Pixels Code onto Your Website – Copy and paste the Facebook Pixels Code to the Customs Code box on your Website to keep tabs on conversions using data provided by Facebook. 

Once your goals are in place, they will appear in the Conversions section of Ads Manager and allow you to assess their efficacy by tracking conversion rates over time and altering ads accordingly.

Why use a professional agency?

Conversion tracking on Facebook can be an invaluable asset to businesses of any size.

Companies using Facebook, the conversion tracker can quickly ascertain which ads are driving the most conversions, whether encouraging people to purchase products on their site or subscribe for services.

Establishing your own Facebook tracker to measure conversions may take considerable time and effort, not to mention complexity.

Employing the services of an established Facebook advertising company that can assist you in setting up conversion tracking and measuring the results of your advertisements is highly advised.

An experienced Facebook advertising agency knows how to implement conversion tracking for your business and monitor the effectiveness of its ads, helping create successful Facebook advertising campaigns that boost conversion rates.

Working with an established Facebook marketing agency is essential to implement Facebook conversion tracking to improve your company.

Are you curious to learn how to maximize the return from your advertising campaign? Reach out now so we can explore your options, as we would love to assist in meeting new goals.



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